Colfax Group Gratitude Potluck & Fellowship
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11/18/2022 @ 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Palouse Empire Fair Community Building
Mike R
Palouse Empire Fair Community Building
Fellowship at 4 PM
Potluck at 5:30 PM
Speakers at 7:00 PM
AA Speaker: Jake H from Spokane, WA
Al-Anon Speaker: Kelly B from Liberty Lake, WA
50/50 Grand prize raffle
Big Book Giveaway
Sobriety countdown throughout the room
Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes!
Juice and coffee are provided!
Now we just need your fellowship and your favorite side dish! 😀
[Last name: A-I]: side dish
[Last name: J-P]: bring salad
[Last name: Q-Z]: dessert
Please join us for an evening of joy, peace, and freedom at the Palouse Empire Fairgrounds!
5 miles West of Colfax on state route 26
For details, Contact: Mike R
Cell: 509-254-1016
Landline: 509-397-9143
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