Hello Area 92, Some of you may or may not know this, but in the First Printing First Edition of the Plain Language Big Book, there were some errors made, not all of the Advisory Action that was [...]
Hello Area 92! I will be in Coeur D Alene on Saturday June 8th from 1:30- 4:30 at North Idaho Alano Fellowship Hall 425 E Borah Coeur d’ Alene, ID. Then I will be in Clarkston on Sunday June 9th [...]
It’s that time of year, the 74th General Service Conference has come to an end and I would love to come to your neck of the woods and share the experience and all the final outcomes of the [...]
Hello Area 92! well we have completed day one of the General Service Conference.. I did my Area highlights and had the opportunity to read the PLBB. Although I cannot divulge any specific [...]